Note : S1 to s6 admissions are taking place


Students Count 2024


Finished O`Level 2023


Finished A`Level 2023


First Grades in S.4 2023
About Us

The Eastern Gaint School,RENA COLLEGE MAYUGE was founded in 2002 under the Board of Directors. It is mixed day and boarding, O-Level and A-Level offering Arts and Sciencss.

The school is fully registered with UNEB Centre NO.U1604 The School offers a full and varied new curriculum where students study Agriculture, Computer, Home Management, Needlework, Commerce and Art & Craft plus the traditional subjects. We hold Music, Dance and Drama Inter-house and inter-class competitions annually where students compete in various items: Speech, Drama, Singing (Western Choral Singing, African Composition) Dancing, African Instrumental Composition, Solo. The Competitions take place during the first term of the year.

In Second Term, the school holds Sports and Games Competitions annually where students also compete in different games and sports activities such as indoor games like Drafts, Table Tennis, Scrabbles, Chess.., Track Events and field Events, Netball and Volleyball. Third Term is always left free, for students to concentrate on their academic work because of the Uganda National Examinations Board which take place in the months of November /December.