Note : S1 & s4 admissions are taking place


The RENA College Old Students' Association, is An association comprising of old student who finished in senior four or senior six from the school, whether you attended one year of study in any class or (as in the case with many of our intellectually energetic alumni) exercising in various professions are entitled to some of the benefits that we plan to have for all our alumni.

Alumni Registration

The Alumni Network is a password-protected online database of all old students from all over the world. The registration database will consist of old students volunteering to provide informational interviews to Rena College current students. Our students will be able to ask you career related questions and receive valuable insight about the day-to-day workings of careers in which they are intend to persue.

Alumni Directory

Have you lost touch with old friends? Find them again by checking out the online listing of Rena College Alumni. But remember: Friends can't find you if your information isn't current! Be sure to let us know of changes in your contact information so everyone can stay in touch.


Assistant Bursar at Rena College, Mayuge

I was one of the Disabled students at RECOS from 2003-2005 for my A-Level while using a wheel chair and I managed to get the best points in that I joined the University on Government Sponsership. This is how I achieved the Government Sponsership within Rena. I thank God who enabled me to achieve all that Iam now and also thank God for this Family of Mr.and Mrs Musasizi Robert (Directors OF Rena College,Mayuge) who were always there for me and even now in that they managed to offer me a job oppurtinity to work with Rena after compass up to now,Thank you and may the Almighty God continue blessing you and protecting you. It was not easy for me to copy up with the Boarding Life since I was always a day schoolar in my former school, I had to befriend students and teachers since they were the people that I was to stay with. Students would help me on things like pushing my chair to class and back to the Domitories, getting me food when its time for meals since I was unable to reach up on the serving tables , fetching water for personal use like bathing and washing clothes. In this case I would like to extend my appriciations to Immaculate (CHUMA kya YESU), Apio and Adongo who were in s1 by then, my classmates especially Namulondo and Juliet ,the Best teachers who become our parents while at school that I used to disturb all the time with consultations in subjects that looked harder for me and they would help ,"Thanks Alot" especially Mr. Kyobe Dan, Tr.Itoti, Tr.Ssempala. Apart from everything stated above, I also had my personal attributes that led to my success which include; Being Prayerful,Respectful to others,very displined lady I am,hard working,trustworthy.


You can trust Rena College, Mayuge with your child